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April 12, 2008 Breaking News

Official US study denies Saddam had links with al-Qaida

Thu, 13 Mar 2008 04:34:19 PDT
Incidentally, the 5th estate on CBC Newsworld has a show coming up on all the lies the Bush govt told leading up to the Iraq war. A US military study officially acknowledged for the first time yesterday that Saddam Hussein had no direct ties to al-Qaida, undercutting the Bush administration's central case for war with Iraq. The study, based on more than 600,000 documents recovered after US and UK troops toppled Saddam in 2003, concluded there was "no 'smoking gun' direct connection] betwe

Linked by Eugenia Loli-Queru on Sat 9th Dec 2006 23:03 UTC (New Mobile Computing)

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 11:50:46 PDT
According to Google Trends , but also according to Distrowatch, our own statistics here at OSNews and overall sense of the industry during 2006, Ubuntu has a big leap in mind share ahead of its competition (please note that we don't dare to say "market share", although we are pretty confident that it's the most used Linux desktop out there today).

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Modern Kitchen Design - 3 Elements To Bear In Mind

Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:13:11 PDT
A part of the latest trends in the employment of the modern kitchen design concepts is to have it form as part of a big room. The kitchen, in most cases, is always adjacent to the home's family room. Also, it is now a usual point that the kitchen is no longer separated by a wall.

CBC cuts Calgary Newsworld but adds Alberta jobs (Calgary Sun)

Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:38:04 PDT
CBC News is closing the Calgary unit of its Newsworld channel as of next month. The public broadcaster announced yesterday the two hours of Newsworld programming currently being produced from Calgary will shift to Toronto.

iPhone News Updated: The week for iPhone: BD Touch, Nokia Tu

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:27:29 PDT
This week ended with a big question: Will Nokia shake the status of Appleā€™s iPhone with its own touch-screen unit named Tube 5800?

Interview with Self Made Millionaire Entrepreneur

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:11:57 PDT
Have you heard of Gotham Dream Cars?? You may have seen the company and its owner, Noah Lehmann-Haupt, on CNBC, Fox News, and Business Week to name a few. I will be speaking to Noah Lehmann-Haupt for an in-depth interview about his company and Entrepreneurial Experience and Success.

Guidelines Seek to Reduce Medication Errors Involving Kids

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 12:34:21 PDT
FRIDAY, April 11 (HealthDay News) -- The group that accredits most U.S. hospitals issued guidelines Friday to help prevent medication errors in hospitalized children.

Interview: Lys from Just Because and Cooking in Stilettos

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 10:13:00 PDT
In your line of work, does fashion play a huge role? At the day to day - yes and no. On the PR side of things - most definitely. While working remotely on a campaign, I can be casual. However when I'm travelling with a client or at an event, I have to have my fashion game in check. I have to balance assertive yet sassy which can be challenging at times. I tend to tailor my outfits for what needs to be done. If I'm working the door at a club, I'm dressed a little more sassy than if I'm acco

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